Did you know...
That if you like to smell your dog's feet, you are not alone. Many dogs have a bacteria on their paws that causes them to smell like corn chips, which is referred to as "Frito feet". And don't worry, it's completely natural.
The smell of your pet's paws is typically nothing to worry about. Bacteria and fungi live on the skin and are healthy and normal when they are in balance. The "Frito feet" phenomenon is from the bacteria called Pseudomonas and Proteus, which emit a yeasty smell reminiscent of the smell of corn chips.
Dogs sweat through their paws, so the smell is nothing but sweaty paws, combined with microbes from your dog's tongue when they clean them, further fueling the bacteria - and the smell.
When is it a problem?
We cannot avoid our dogs picking up dirt, bacteria and other culprits when they are out and about. We must therefore pay attention to whether the smell worsens or whether the paw pads are damaged or your pet is in poor health. This can open doors for infections, where we as dog owners must respond.
Signs that your pet's paws may be unhealthy include:
- Red, irritated and itchy paws
- Bad odor
- Wounds that won't heal
- Recent injury to paws or feet
- Sticky or yellow/green discharge

If your pet experiences any of these symptoms, you should contact your vet. Untreated infection can be serious and cause permanent damage to your pet.
Pure paws
To keep your pet's paws looking their best, you can;
- Keep your pet's feet dry
- Trim long fur on feet and paws
- Wash your pet's paws after a walk with dirty surroundings
- Consider using dog shoes if you have your dog with you where there is a risk of surfaces that could injure your dog's paws
Always contact your vet if you are in doubt as to whether your dog has problems.
So find your dog and start sniffing its paws, so you can see if your dog has the lovely "Frito feet" <3
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