What is it that my dog can tolerate, or rather can't?

I often get questions about what dogs can and especially can't eat. So why not make a blog post that can give you a small overview.
I have collected the things you have to be careful with in alphabetical order and it turned into a very long blog post. Therefore, use this as a reference work for when in doubt.
Some of the things I talk about here can be seriously toxic in small amounts, while others need to be consumed in large amounts to be harmful. No two dogs are the same and there will always be a dog out there who can easily have eaten something that on paper it should not be able to tolerate. Some breeds can tolerate more than others and some don't show signs of pain until it's really bad. This means that your dog can actually have a huge stomach ache without you seeing it. In addition, some of these things are not toxic to your wasp, but they can, on the other hand, harm it.
The most important ones to watch out for in this context are especially puppies! This is because puppies investigate their surroundings, e.g. by taking things in the mouth. They are curious and somehow manage to find EVERYTHING! In addition, puppies are smaller, and therefore tolerate smaller amounts of poison if they were to consume it. Many dog breeds grow out of eating all kinds of things, but adult individuals, especially among some breeds, can also have that tendency. If you have a dog that eats everything, it is a good idea to take some precautions.
I won't really get into plants here, but promise to do a blog post on this topic.
Harmful and poisonous things your dog should not eat
Acorns, which are the fruits of the oak tree, contain tannin. If the dog ingests a large dose, it can be fatal. Poisonings that have been seen are e.g. originated with dogs of approx. 10 kg that has eaten between 5 and 10 acorns. Acorns can be fun for puppies to play with, so pay extra attention if your puppy plays around with these or in the worst case - gets to eat some.
Symptoms: Fatigue, reduced/no appetite, fever, constipation, tar-like diarrhoea, kidney damage, liver damage etc. Can be life-threatening.
Sharing a nice beer or drink with your best friend is great, but just not if the friend is a dog. Alcohol affects animals in the same way as humans - just more powerfully. This is because most dogs are smaller than us. Even small amounts of beer or alcohol can cause the dog to vomit.
Dogs can also accidentally get hold of alcohol. It can, for example, happen by eating fermented dough, fruit or berries. Some dogs love to eat fallen apples or other things, but due to the fermentation this also contains alcohol and a small apple can suddenly have the same effect on your dog as a good city trip gives you.
Symptoms: Vomiting, excessive drooling, diarrhea, ataxia (decreased coordination, drunken walking), tremors, CNS (central nervous system) depression, heart rate drops, difficulty breathing, convulsions, coma and can be life-threatening.
The whole avocado is poisonous! This is because it contains a toxin called persin. Persin is believed to be toxic to dogs and, for that matter, most other animals. However, it is not believed that the bought avocado is as poisonous as the wild one. Exactly how toxic it is, however, has not been fully investigated. The toxic substance can cause acute cell death in the heart muscle and in the mammary glands.
Symptoms: Low mood, vomiting, diarrhoea, difficulty breathing, congestion, fluid accumulation around the heart tissue, in the lungs and chest. Can become life-threatening.
Don't worry, this is not a no-balls section. Balls are great to play with, but not all balls are suitable. Very small balls, such as children's bouncy balls or puppy-sized balls, can be swallowed and get stuck in the stomach or even in the throat. Always make sure your dog's toy fits your dog's size.
Symptoms: Vomiting, lack of appetite, fatigue and depression.
The symptoms that your dog has a blockage vary, depending on where the foreign object is located. It also matters whether it stops the intestinal function completely, or whether the intestinal contents can partially pass through. In addition, there is also a difference in how long the problem has been going on. Some dogs may have a distended stomach, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, rapid beathing and stretch very often.
Now that we're talking about balls, we also have to mention Tennis balls
That tennis balls are a no go, often comes as a surprise to most people. Unfortunately, the reality is that the little yellow ball that dogs love, destroy dogs' teeth. This is because the hair on the tennis ball becomes like sandpaper on the teeth when the dogs chew on them. We have several German Shepherds that come in with teeth that are as flat as a human's. If the teeth are worn down too far, this can cause great discomfort for the dogs, which is due to the nerve in the teeth being exposed. So no tennis balls, but fortunately there are so many other good balls.
Raw green beans contain the substance lectin. Large amounts of lectin can cause problems. However, there are no problems in lightly cooked green beans. These contain lots of vitamins and minerals that are healthy for your dog.
Symptoms: Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal cramps
Beer or rather Hops (Humulus lupulus)
There are many people who think it's nice to share a little beer with their dog, and I can see the idea for myself. The dog likes it and is so happy when he gets it. Unfortunately, a shared beer can turn into a life-threatening situation for your dog. This is due to the hops in the beer. Hops are a plant used in beer brewing and some dog breeds are more susceptible to hop poisoning than others. This applies, among other things, to Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Saint Bernards, Pointers, Dobermans, Border Collies, English Springer Spaniels, Chow Chow, Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Samoyed.
This is because these breeds can have Malignant Hyperthermia (MH), which is a hereditary disorder of the skeletal muscles. When malignant hyperthermia occurs, the dog's temperature can quickly rise 6-10 degrees above normal. When their temperature is this high, permanent brain damage and death can occur.
If you have a homebrewery, be aware that some dogs may eat dried parts of the plant or hop pellets (these may be less toxic). As more and more people brew beer at home, there has been an increase in the number of hop poisonings in dogs.
Symptoms: High fever, rapid/excessive breathing, vomiting, restlessness, abdominal pain, muscle spasms, palpitations and, unfortunately, sudden death can occur.
In addition to the hops in beer, there is also a risk of alcohol poisoning. Read more under Alcohol
Blue cheese
Blue cheese contains a fungus that produces the toxin roquefortine C. Dogs are very sensitive to this and can get sick from eating it. If you really want to give your dog cheese, which is not a problem, then Swiss cheese is really good. This is because Swiss cheese is low in lactose, which is easier on your pet's digestive system.
Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, twitching, convulsions and high temperature. The symptoms are mostly only seen if it is eaten in large doses.
Chocolate is one of the big sinners. As delicious as it is for us, it can be just as dangerous for dogs. Chocolate contains substances such as theobromine and caffeine that are toxic to dogs. How much chocolate the dog can tolerate is individual and depends both on the size of the dog and on the cocoa content (the darker the chocolate, the more toxic). 30 grams of chocolate is enough to kill a 15 kilo dog. Theobromine causes the dog's heart to beat much faster and can lead to heart attacks. The substance can also irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause stomach bleeding that can be so severe that the dog can die within a few days. The symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs typically occur after 12 hours and many will therefore not associate the symptoms with the chocolate when it happens.
Symptoms: Vomiting, abdominal pain, increased thirst, incontinence, tremors, drooling, palpitations etc. Can be life-threatening.
Theobromine is also found in tea, coffee and other cocoa products, such as cocoa nibs.
Coffee, tea, cola, energy drinks
It is a bad idea to drink coffee or share an energy drink with the dog. This is due to the caffeine content, which affects the dog's central nervous system and heart. There is also caffeine in coffee grounds, cola and energy drinks such as Red Bull. In addition, tea contains theobromine, just like chocolate, and is toxic to your dog. Read more under chocolate
Symptoms: restlessness, palpitations, muscle tremors and vomiting.
It is not healthy for dogs to eat yeast dough. The dough rises and ferments in the dog's stomach and forms alcohol. It is rarely life-threatening, but can be very uncomfortable for the dog. Many dogs are like children at this point. They think it's fun to eat the dough, so always make sure to put the dough out of the dog's sight and reach.
If the injury has occurred and the dog has gotten hold of some dough, keep an eye on your dog and ensure that it does not get hurt. A drunk dog can easily get hurt on stairs. Some dogs can become aggressive if they are drunk because they feel great discomfort.
Symptoms: Uncertainty, wobbly walking, etc.
In addition, there is magic dough which can seem very innocent. After all, it only consists of flour, oil, food coloring and salt. However, the very high salt concentration can easily lead to your pet developing salt poisoning.
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, decreased appetite, lethargy, wobbly, excessive thirst and urination. If the poisoning is severe enough, tremors, convulsions, coma and death can unfortunately occur.
If you have children at home and they help to bake or play with magic dough, then it might be an idea to keep the animals away, as they can quickly grab everything that falls on the floor (the quick ones...), and that always happens when you turn your back on a small ones for a second.
Fruit seeds
Fruit seeds and fruit stones contain the toxin cyanide, which is extremely toxic. It can be fatal if your dog eats fruit stones or seeds. A few apple cores may not do any harm, but if the dog starts munching on fallen apples, plums or cherries, it can be a deadly affair. Larger stones can also become lodged in the digestive tract.
Symptoms: Excessive drooling, Rapid and/or labored breathing, Trembling, Cramps, Rapid pulse, Reddish mucous membranes, Dilated pupils and in the worst case, with larger amounts, acute death can be seen within minutes to hours after ingestion (in larger amounts).
Food with mold
Never give your pet moldy food and make sure they don't have access to it (garbage, compost, etc.). Some types of mold can produce mycotoxins, which make the dog sick. Among other things, a certain type of mycotoxin called "aflatoxin" can cause liver failure. Many of these mold types are found on bread, cheese, nuts, pasta and your backyard compost.
Symptoms: vomiting, restlessness, wobbly walking, muscle tremors, convulsions and an elevated temperature.
Puppies and young dogs in particular tend to be interested in chestnuts and there is therefore a greater risk of them being poisoned. Both the chestnut fruit, leaves, flowers and bark contain the glycoside aesculin, which is toxic to dogs. 10 chestnuts can be fatal for a small dog. Fortunately, it is not very often that a dog gets to eat so many.
Symptoms: Drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, decreased appetite, dehydration, cramps, paralysis, stiffness, fever. Symptoms typically appear two days after ingestion, but sometimes sooner.
In addition to causing poisoning, chestnuts can also become lodged in the dog's gastrointestinal tract and block passage.
Cat food
It is okay for your dog to occasionally nibble a taste from your cats food, but larger amounts of cat food can cause problems. Cat food is rich in protein and often also fat. Maybe that's why dogs just love cat food. When you give cat food, you are oversupplying your dog with protein that it does not need. Cat food is simply not balanced for a dog.
Symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting and discomfort.
Coolant? Yes, coolant tastes sweet and animals therefore like to drink it. Coolant is usually stored safely in a plastic container, but can become accessible to the dog in unfortunate circumstances. Coolant is a greasy liquid and the owner can often see that the dog's paws are smeared in coolant. Coolant contains glycol which is very toxic to dogs, even in small amounts. Antifreeze and washer fluid are examples of fluids that may contain glycol. If your dog has ingested glycol, it breaks it down into an amount of toxic substances that can cause acute, life-threatening kidney failure. If the dog does not receive treatment quickly after ingestion, it often leads to serious injuries or death. Therefore, immediately take the dog to the vet if you suspect glycol poisoning. The later the vet is contacted, the greater the risk of the dog dying or suffering permanent kidney damage.
Symptoms: Restlessness, nausea, vomiting, hyperventilation and palpitations, increased desire to drink with frequent urination, lack of fluids, decreased body temperature and cramps.
Only after 12 hours can you say anything about the dog's fate. Some dogs are so severely affected that they have convulsions and go into a coma. If the dog does not die, the course of the disease often takes 3-4 weeks. If the dog survives kidney failure, it will have to live with chronically bad kidneys.
Dairy products/lactose
Dogs generally cannot tolerate lactose. With lactose intolerance, dogs experience many of the same symptoms as humans. Some dogs are more sensitive to dairy products than others, so you can't cut all dogs with one comb. Whether a reaction occurs depends on both the dog, the amount the dog receives and the lactose content of the milk products.
Symptoms: bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Grapes and raisins
All kinds of grapes and raisins can give the dog serious kidney problems. This can lead to kidney failure and thus be fatal. It is very individual how much the dog can tolerate and whether it is affected at all. This also depends on the size of the dog. The poisonous dose is from one to eight raisins or grapes per kilos of body weight. Not all dogs get sick. Some animals can eat raisins and grapes their entire lives without ever getting sick. Other dogs can die from only very small amounts. But is it worth the chance to try? No, well. Therefore, avoid giving your dog raisins or grapes.
Symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, tremors, convulsions, increased thirst. Can cause death
Liver pâté
Uuuh, the good liver paste could well be shared with your best friend. Dogs can generally tolerate liver pate. Having said this, liver paste contains a number of ingredients that dogs with a tendency to allergies and sensitive stomachs may react to. In addition, you should always check what has been added to the liver paste. A number of pastes contain, for example, onion and garlic - two foods that dogs cannot tolerate.
The high content of fat and salt in liver paste can also have negative consequences for your dog. Two typical protein sources that cause allergic reactions in dogs are pork and dairy products, both of which are found in liver paté. Even if your dog is not allergic or sensitive to liver pâté, it can still have consequences for your dog's health. Liver pate can lead to obesity if it is given as a supplement to the dog's daily diet. So if you give your dog pure liver pate or rye bread with liver pate, you should always remove a corresponding amount of the daily dog food.
Macadamia nuts and walnuts
All types of nuts are poisonous, but macadamia nuts are particularly poisonous to dogs and can lead to everything from vomiting to paralysis and death. Within 12 hours, the dog can develop various symptoms such as losing balance, getting a fever and vomiting. The symptoms can worsen if the dog has eaten the nuts in chocolate. The reason why the nuts are poisonous is not yet known.
Symptoms: Decreased appetite, vomiting, bloody stools, reduced liver function, diarrhoea, upset stomach/intestines, unsteadiness, lethargy, paralysis and can be life-threatening.
Also be aware that the dog can get salt poisoning from eating salted nuts.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a dog to be poisoned by human medicine. Dogs should never eat medicine for humans as dogs are not humans and humans are not dogs. You should therefore never give your dog human medicine unless a vet has approved this. Unfortunately, many people believe that the dog can benefit from mild painkillers against, for example, lameness or joint pain. One of the most frequent drug poisonings we see is with Ibuprofen preparations. This is probably because they are some of the most used painkillers here in Denmark. However, ibuprofen is toxic to dogs and can kill the dog very quickly. Examples of painkillers containing ibuprofen are the products: Apain, Brufen, Ibumetin, Ibuprofen, Ibureumin, Ibutop, Ipren and Pedea.
Symptoms of mild poisoning: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and anorexia.
Symptoms of moderate poisoning: bloody diarrhoea, blood poisoning and urinary tract disease with kidney failure.
Symptoms of severe poisoning: Shock, convulsions, coma and death.
It is very important that you contact the vet as soon as possible in the event of possible poisoning. This could mean life or death!
Only a few of the different mushroom types in Denmark are poisonous. Certain fungi are directly fatal, and others can make the dog very ill. Most fatal mushroom poisonings in dogs are caused by mushrooms from the genera Amanita, Galerina, and Lepiota. Because the poison from mushrooms can affect the dog's gastrointestinal system, central nervous system, liver and kidneys, there is a wide range of symptoms
Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, wobbles, convulsions, aggression, disorientation, hallucination, black and sticky faeces and increased thirst and urination, etc.
If you suspect fungal poisoning, it can help if you have the opportunity to take a clear sample of the fungus to your vet. This can mean that the right treatment is implemented quickly and is thereby more effective.
Onions, garlic and chives
Most of our onions and onion plants are poisonous to dogs and don't forget leeks which also belong to the onion family. This is because onions contain allicin, which is toxic to dogs. Allicin is found in both raw and cooked onions and can cause anemia in dogs. It is difficult to know how much onion is needed for the dog to be poisoned. You should therefore refrain from giving your dog any types of onions. This is especially important to think about if you give your dog food scraps, because there are very often large amounts of onions in our food. If your dog has dug up the newly planted flower bed and starts behaving differently, call the vet immediately. Be aware that many of the flowers for onion plants are also poisonous to your dog.
Symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, convulsions, decreased appetite, difficulty breathing, pale mucous membranes, abdominal pain and can unfortunately cause death.
Like tomatoes and potatoes, peppers belong to the nightshade family and contain the substance solanine, which is toxic to dogs. But just like tomatoes, it is primarily the green parts of the fruit that are poisonous and therefore red and yellow peppers can in many cases be safe to eat. The green pepper also contains more chlorophyll than its yellow and red relatives. Chlorophyll is harmful to the dog and you must therefore refrain from giving peppers.
Peppers are full of vitamin C, but the red ones in particular contain large amounts of beta-carotene and vitamin E, which prevent cancer and cataracts. So especially older dogs can benefit from yellow and red peppers. Not only that, peppers are also good for older dogs suffering from arthritis. Try yourself with the red and possibly the yellow variety, but make sure to proceed carefully and stick to small doses.
Potatoes and especially the green ones
Raw potatoes, unripe potatoes, green potatoes, the green leaves of the potato plant and the potato apples contain the toxins solanine and chaconine. Solanine is corrosive, can cause gastrointestinal irritation, sudden anemia and affects the dog's nervous system. However, the poisoning is usually mild, and it is therefore not certain that the dog will show signs of poisoning. This is because the substance solanine is very poorly absorbed by the dog, just as it is often converted into less toxic substances that are quickly excreted from the body. Boiled potatoes pose no risk of poisoning in a healthy adult dog (however, they contain such a large amount of carbohydrates that one should still refrain from giving the dog too many potatoes). However, it is best to peel and boil your potatoes or to bake them, as the solanine is in the peel.
Symptoms: Intestinal upset, nausea, drooling, Vomiting, Diarrhea, decreased appetite, Depression, Dilated pupils, Low heart rate, cramps, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, difficulty breathing, paralysis and unconsciousness.
Prepared bones
Bones that have been prepared, for example poultry bones from dinner, can splinter and get stuck in the esophagus, stomach or intestines. All poultry pose a potential risk to the dog. If you would like to give your dog bones, you can choose a raw beef bone. Beef bones are the best and safest type of meat bones you can give your dog. Beef and veal bones do not splinter as easily as other types of bone and are therefore a safer alternative to bones from pigs, lamb or game. However, be aware that there is a risk of tooth damage and if your dog is not used to eating bones, they must be given in small quantities, so as not to give the dog diarrhoea.
Rat poison
Rat poison contains substances that prevent the blood from coagulating. If your dog eats rat poison, it will therefore have internal bleeding. It is a life-threatening condition.
Different types of rat poison can vary in dangerousness, so try to find out which type of rat poison your dog has eaten. If possible, take the packaging with you to the vet. The chance of recovery depends on, among other things of how quickly you react.
Symptoms: Pale mucous membranes, colic, bleeding from the nose, mouth and throat, bloody vomiting, bruises, internal bleeding, diarrhea with blood in the stool, possibly lameness and death. Symptoms of poisoning with anticoagulants often appear a few days after ingestion.
It is extremely important to contact the vet as soon as possible as the treatment must be started in time. If this is the case, the dog can recover completely without injury.
Raw broccoli
Dogs basically cannot tolerate raw broccoli. Broccoli contains the substance isothiocyanate, which can cause poisoning in dogs. However, it is not certain that a small amount of broccoli will harm, just as not all dogs react equally violently to broccoli. But if you want to be on the safe side, cook the broccoli because it is completely harmless or find something else for your dog.
Rhubarb and star fruit
Rhubarb and star fruit contain soluble calcium oxalate crystals. These oxalates are found in all parts of both plants. The calcium in the body is bound to the soluble oxalates, and thus the level of calcium in the dog falls. In rhubarb, the concentration is higher in the leaves, while the stems are not really considered to be toxic. The good thing is that it takes a large amount before poisoning can occur.
Symptoms: vomiting, diarrhoea, profuse salivation, lethargy, muscle weakness, tremors, cramps, blood in the urine and increased thirst and urination. In the most severe cases, kidney failure is seen.
Salt is an important component of your dog's diet and plays a vital role in its well-being. Salt maintains body fluid and is necessary for the organs and nervous system to function. However, if your dog consumes a large amount of salt, it can get salt poisoning. Your dog can e.g. have drunk large amounts of salt water or eaten very salty food. The first reaction to salt poisoning is often nausea and diarrhea. If these symptoms appear, it is important to get the dog treated so that he does not drink too much fluid.
Symptoms: Diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, low mood, excessive thirst, stiffness, convulsions, coma and, in the worst case, death.
The old household advice of using salt as an emetic for dogs is no longer recommended. It doesn't work every time and can make poisoning worse. There are so many effective and safe remedies available now that it is preferred instead.
Snail poison
The only snail poison approved in Denmark is based on iron phosphate, also called ferric phosphate. This agent is harmful to naked snails, but not toxic to dogs and other animals in the garden. However, you may be unlucky to see illegal snail poison in shops in Denmark, and some people buy illegal products online, e.g. German snail remedies based on Metaldehyde, which is a very dangerous nerve agent. To lure the snails to the poison, bran or molasses is often added, but this also attracts dogs and cats. Therefore, check the label thoroughly and talk if necessary. with your neighbors about what they use.
Symptoms: Vomiting, profuse drooling, nervousness, restlessness, rapid heart rate, hyperventilation, stiff gait, repeated involuntary jerky eye movements back and forth or up and down (nystagmus), dilated pupils, temporary blindness, muscle tremors or convulsions, increased body temperature (hyperthermia) , severe convulsive backward bending of the neck and back (opisthotonus)
As the toxin spreads in the body, it can lead to liver failure, destroy the blood's ability to clot and, in many cases, unfortunately end in death.
Symptoms can develop within 30 minutes of ingestion, but it can also take 3 hours or more.
It is very important to contact your vet as soon as possible!
Spinach has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, spinach contains large amounts of vitamins such as A, B, C and K. Then spinach also contains iron, antioxidants, e.g. beta-carotene and fiber which are good for your dog. But on the other hand, spinach contains oxalic acid, which inhibits the body's ability to absorb calcium and in extreme cases can lead to kidney failure. Fortunately, it takes large amounts of spinach to lead to kidney failure, and dogs with healthy kidneys can tolerate small amounts of spinach. Dogs with reduced kidney function should not have spinach.
I don't think any of us can excuse ourselves from having thrown a stick or two, and I know that I have spoken of something that will never be fully observed. But it must be written on the list, as it is a real danger that we see time and time again in the clinics. Sticks are fun and delicious for dogs to chew on. The problem, however, is that sticks can splinter and get stuck in the palate, tongue and throat. Therefore, teach your puppy that sticks are not toys and offer them something else that is fun.
Toads have poison glands under their skin, and they secrete a poison that dogs are sensitive to. Danish toads are not particularly poisonous, but the dog may still be affected by toad poisoning. This type of poisoning is usually not dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable for the dog.
Symptoms: Violent drooling and small pupils etc.
As a rule, it is enough to keep an eye on your dog. If the dog becomes very bothered, you can contact the vet.
Tomatoes and tomato plants
It is best to avoid tomatoes in your dog's meals. Like potatoes, tomatoes contain the substance solanine, which is toxic to dogs. However, the substance is primarily found in the green parts of the tomato plant (the stem, the leaves and the unripe fruits). Dogs can therefore get away with consuming ripe tomatoes in very small quantities without being poisoned by solanine. On the other hand, tomatoes also contain the substance alpha-tomatine, which in large quantities can be harmful to the dog's heart. But here it must be quite large quantities.
Symptoms: drooling, difficulty breathing, colic, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation.
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener and gradually there are many foods that contain xylitol instead of sugar. Toothpaste, chewing gum, sweets and sugar-free products are examples of products that may contain xylitol. The sweetener xylitol is dangerous for dogs and can, among other things, cause permanent liver damage. Xylitol triggers a violent release of insulin in the dog and thereby lowers blood sugar. Within a very short time, the dog can go into a coma and, depending on the amount of xylitol dogs have consumed, it can also suffer liver failure. It is very individual how much a dog can tolerate from the substance, and also depends on the dog's size. Therefore, never give your dog anything that contains xylitol.
Symptoms: Vomiting, tremors, depressed mood, fainting, low blood sugar, convulsions, unconsciousness Can be life-threatening.
There are dogs where you will not see this reaction, but instead develop liver damage over the next few days.
A final word
Then we finally got through the most important ones. If you are unsure whether your puppy has eaten something that could be harmful, you should always contact the vet immediately. The most important factor in how well your dog copes with possible poisoning is the time between ingestion and treatment. It may be a good idea to take something with you that may have poisoned the dog, so that the vet has an idea of which treatment is the right one. The sooner your vet figures out exactly what is poisoning your dog, the sooner it can be stopped.
It was the last for this time. Take care of your little wasps and remember "better safe than sorry"
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