Step by step guide for nail trimming

Step by step guide for nail trimming

It can be such a challenge for some dogs to have their nails trimmed. So in this blog we will talk about how I as a dog trainer introduce the electric nail grinder to my dogs and dogs in training. A step by step guide.

Happy reading 🙂

There is so much that can be done to make the process comfortable and even without getting close to the nails…

Let me break it down for you. Here are some of the steps dogs need to feel comfortable with in order for the process to go “smoothly”:

Step 1. Just seeing the grinder - praise and give a treat (repeat)

Step 2. Just hearing the grinder - praise and give a treat (repeat)
Making the sound less stressful - We simply pair the sound with something the dog love (like small tasty treats)

Step 3. Seeing and hearing the grinder - praise and give a treat (repeat)

Step 4. Seeing and hearing the grinder on a piece of uncooked pasta to replicate what it might sound like on a nail - praise and give a treat (repeat)

I do each step until I see a positive conditioned response to the sound of the grinder. This means that the dog either does not care or shows joy at the sight and sound of the grinder.

Further the dog needs to be comfartable with human touch:

Step 5. Human touching the paw - praise while touching, remove hand from paw and give a treat (repeat)

Step 6. Human holding the paw - praise while touching, remove hand from paw and give a treat (repeat)

Step 7. The sound of the grinder on the nail (I keep the cap on so the dog will feel the vibration) - praise while touching, remove grinder from the nail and give a treat (repeat)

Step 8. The feeling of the grinder on the nail - praise while grinding the nail, remove grinder from the nail and give a treat (repeat)

One nail at a time…

Pay attention to your dogs body language during the process. Any lip licking, squeezing eyes, rapid blinking, turning head, ears down and close to head, or low tail and between legs can all be signs of discomfort so pleace respect that and take it as a feedback from your dog that you are moving too fast forward. Rather spend extra time getting your dog comfortable with the event than pushing it forward. Nail trimming is the rest of your dogs life…

trimming dog nails with a relaxed dog

Breaking down the nail trimming process and helping the dog feel comfortable at each step can make the event less scary and unpredictable, decreasing stress levels.

Good training..

- Louise, Mypetpassion

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